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Marketing management / KOTLER, Philip ; DUBOIS, Bernard |

Marketing management / KOTLER, Philip ; DUBOI...

Book | KOTLER, Philip

Published by Pearson Education 2003, 11e éd.

Cet ouvrage de référence présente les concepts et les outils du marketing tout en intégrant les avancées théoriques et pratiques l...


Source : Syracuse
Marketing management / KOTLER, Philip |

Marketing management / KOTLER, Philip

Book | KOTLER, Philip

Published by Publi-Union 1992, 7e éd


Source : Syracuse
Options, futures and other derivatives / John Hull |

Options, futures and other derivatives / John...

Book | HULL, John

Edition : 8th ed. Published by Pearson Education. Harlow 2011

This book bridges the gap between the theory and practice of derivatives, and helps readers develop a solid working knowledge of h...

Source : Ebsco collections
Human Resource Management : gaining a competitive advantage. Raymond A. Noe ; John R. Hollenbeck ; Barry A. Gerhart |

Human Resource Management : gaining a competi...

Book | Hollenbeck, John R.

xxxviii, 787 Seiten


Source : Open