Circular economy

Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals:
> Journal of Cleaner Production
> Business Strategy & the Environment
> Ecological Economics
> Thunderbird International Business Review
> California Management Review
> Supply Chain Management
> Journal of Business Research
The SME Trade Academy boasts over 100 free online courses across its different platforms in a variety of languages
"Circular. Now " / Climate University Courses
"Comprendre l'écologie, pour une économie innovante"/ ESCP - Olivier Delbard / Chantal Jouanno (FR)
"L'économie circulaire : une transition incontournable" / l’Institut de l’environnement, du développement durable et de l’économie circulaire (EDDEC) et RECYC-QUÉBEC (FR)
Ademe - Expertise Economie circulaire (FR)
Ministère de la Transition Ecologique (FR)
Principe de l'Economie circulaire / Fondation Nicolas Hulot (FR)
Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation (EN)
Circular Economy / European Environment Agency (EN)
Marché de l'électricité verte : les fournisseurs confrontés à un tournant majeur./ Cathy Alegria, Xerfi Canal, 25/03/2024
Quels potentiels pour l'économie circulaire ? / Anaïs Voys-Gillis , Xerfi Canal, 13/12/2023
Quels enjeux géopolitiques pour l'Economie Circulaire? / Aurélien Acquier - ESCP (FR)
Quantifier, mesurer et évaluer l'économie circulaire / Aurélien Acquier - ESCP (FR)
Comment enseigner l’économie circulaire autrement ? / Valentina Carbone et Aurélien Acquier sur Xerfi Canal, 04/02/2019
Le rôle de la data dans l'économie circulaire / Valentina Carbone - ESCP (FR)
Sustainability Talks: Sustainability Talks’ is Business Reporter’s thought leadership interview series and will feature conversations with some the world’s most inspirational organisations & subject matter experts, scientists & thought-provoking business leaders. Exploring their work in tackling global sustainability challenges & achieving a just transition to a low carbon economy.
Ted Talk - Circular Economy (EN)
Circular Economy / European Environment Agency (EN)
Sustainable marketing and the Cicular Economy in Poland: key concepts and strategies. Anita Proszowska, Ewa Prymon-Ryś, Anna Dubel and more (2024).
A cicular built environment in the digital age. Catherine De Wolf, Sultan Çetin, and Nancy M. P. Bocken (2024).
Creative Economy and sustainable development: the contexts of Indian handicrafts. Madhura Dutta (2024).
Circular Economy in the European Union: organizational practice and future directions in Germany, Poland and Spain. Dagmara Lewicka, Joanna Zarębska, Roman Batko et al (2024).
Responsible Fashion Business in practice: sustainable concepts and cases across the Fashion Industry. Sennait Ghebreab and Sally Heale (2023).
The Supply Chain: a system in crisis. Gold S., Wieland A. Edward Elgar Publishing (2024).
Soil to foil: aluminum and the quest for industrial sustainability. Saalem H. Ali. Columbia University Press (2023).
The notorious ESG: business, climate, and the race to save the planet. Vasuki Shastry. Emerald Publishing (2023).
Fashion-Ology: Fashion studies in the postmodern digital era.Yunika Kawamura. Bloomsbury Visual Arts (2023).
Upcycling Festival : la révolution de l'économie circulaire et de la seconde vie des objets. Chantal Hincker. L'Harmattan (2022).
Circular economy : challenges and opportunities for ethical and sustainable business. Helen Kopnina and Kim Poldner. Routledge (2022).
Circular Fashion: making the Fashion Industry sustainable. Peggy Blum. Laurence King Publishing (2021).
Check your library catalogue for printed books: Berlin Catalogue or Libraries Catalogue (using the search bar)
Recyclage du textile : la filière française et européenne se structure face à la dynamique impulsée par les évolutions réglementaires. Les Etude d'Indexpresse, mars 2024
Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals:
> Journal of Cleaner Production
> Business Strategy & the Environment
> Ecological Economics
> Thunderbird International Business Review
> California Management Review
> Supply Chain Management
> Journal of Business Research
The SME Trade Academy boasts over 100 free online courses across its different platforms in a variety of languages
"Circular. Now " / Climate University Courses
"Comprendre l'écologie, pour une économie innovante"/ ESCP - Olivier Delbard / Chantal Jouanno (FR)
"L'économie circulaire : une transition incontournable" / l’Institut de l’environnement, du développement durable et de l’économie circulaire (EDDEC) et RECYC-QUÉBEC (FR)
Ademe - Expertise Economie circulaire (FR)
Ministère de la Transition Ecologique (FR)
Principe de l'Economie circulaire / Fondation Nicolas Hulot (FR)
Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation (EN)
Circular Economy / European Environment Agency (EN)
Marché de l'électricité verte : les fournisseurs confrontés à un tournant majeur./ Cathy Alegria, Xerfi Canal, 25/03/2024
Quels potentiels pour l'économie circulaire ? / Anaïs Voys-Gillis , Xerfi Canal, 13/12/2023
Quels enjeux géopolitiques pour l'Economie Circulaire? / Aurélien Acquier - ESCP (FR)
Quantifier, mesurer et évaluer l'économie circulaire / Aurélien Acquier - ESCP (FR)
Comment enseigner l’économie circulaire autrement ? / Valentina Carbone et Aurélien Acquier sur Xerfi Canal, 04/02/2019
Le rôle de la data dans l'économie circulaire / Valentina Carbone - ESCP (FR)
Sustainability Talks: Sustainability Talks’ is Business Reporter’s thought leadership interview series and will feature conversations with some the world’s most inspirational organisations & subject matter experts, scientists & thought-provoking business leaders. Exploring their work in tackling global sustainability challenges & achieving a just transition to a low carbon economy.
Ted Talk - Circular Economy (EN)
Circular Economy / European Environment Agency (EN)
Sustainable marketing and the Cicular Economy in Poland: key concepts and strategies. Anita Proszowska, Ewa Prymon-Ryś, Anna Dubel and more (2024).
A cicular built environment in the digital age. Catherine De Wolf, Sultan Çetin, and Nancy M. P. Bocken (2024).
Creative Economy and sustainable development: the contexts of Indian handicrafts. Madhura Dutta (2024).
Circular Economy in the European Union: organizational practice and future directions in Germany, Poland and Spain. Dagmara Lewicka, Joanna Zarębska, Roman Batko et al (2024).
Responsible Fashion Business in practice: sustainable concepts and cases across the Fashion Industry. Sennait Ghebreab and Sally Heale (2023).
The Supply Chain: a system in crisis. Gold S., Wieland A. Edward Elgar Publishing (2024).
Soil to foil: aluminum and the quest for industrial sustainability. Saalem H. Ali. Columbia University Press (2023).
The notorious ESG: business, climate, and the race to save the planet. Vasuki Shastry. Emerald Publishing (2023).
Fashion-Ology: Fashion studies in the postmodern digital era.Yunika Kawamura. Bloomsbury Visual Arts (2023).
Upcycling Festival : la révolution de l'économie circulaire et de la seconde vie des objets. Chantal Hincker. L'Harmattan (2022).
Circular economy : challenges and opportunities for ethical and sustainable business. Helen Kopnina and Kim Poldner. Routledge (2022).
Circular Fashion: making the Fashion Industry sustainable. Peggy Blum. Laurence King Publishing (2021).
Check your library catalogue for printed books: Berlin Catalogue or Libraries Catalogue (using the search bar)
Recyclage du textile : la filière française et européenne se structure face à la dynamique impulsée par les évolutions réglementaires. Les Etude d'Indexpresse, mars 2024
Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals :
> Journal of Marketing
> Journal of Marketing Research
> Journal of International Business Studies
> International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
> Journal of Retailing
> Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
> Journal of Consumer Psychology
> Journal of Consumer Research
The SME Trade Academy boasts over 100 free online courses across its different platforms in a variety of languages.
Managing human capital in retail / Matthew Bidwell
Retail and Channel Management / Dr. Yamini Karmarkar and Dr. Geeta Nema
Retail Fundamentals / Dartmouth
Global Retail News (FR/EN)
Retail & Consumer Industry / Financial Times (To register : connect to the FT website on campus) (EN)
Retail dive (EN)
Modern retail podcast / Player FM - Each week, we release a new podcast covering the world of retail-business developments.
Les Digital Doers /
Un podcast des acteurs de l'innovation e-commerce retailtech.
Repensons le consumérisme, Benoît Heilbrunn 17/04/2024/ Xerfi Canal
Mystifications marchandes : ces choses cachées depuis la fondation du marché, Benoît Heilbrunn 17/10/2023/ Xerfi Canal
Savoir ne pas vendre...pour vendre autrement, Isabelle Barth 25/05/2023/ Xerfi Canal
Le grand retour de l'occasion : un marché tendance et problématique, Joan le Goff, 16/09/2023/ Xerfi Canal
Redefining retail: 10 guiding principles for a post-digital world. Philip Kotler and Giuseppe Stigliano (2024).
Ecommerce, opportunity for companies: digital winning, selling and convincing customers and clients in the online shop, pricing marketing and psychology for the right virtual strategy. Simone Janson and Simone Janson (2024).
Textile Management: a guide for technicians. Arvind Kumar Upadhyay (2024).
Ai for retail : a practical guide to modernize you retail business with AI and automation. François Chaubard (2023).
Pop-up retail : the evolution, application and future of ephemeral stores. Ghalia Boustani (2023).
Ecommerce : opportunity for companies.Simone Janson (2022).
The future of electricity retailing and how we get there. Frank A. Wolak and Ian H. Hardman (2021).
Utopies et consommation. Badot. O. (2020). EMS Caen.
The illusion of choice: 16 1/2 psychological biases that influence what we buy. Richard Shotton. Harriman House (2023).
Leading travel and tourism retail: how businesses can sustainably capture new profits in shopping tourism. Sacha Zackariya. Kogan page (2023)
Mystifications marchandes : ces choses cachées depuis la fondation du marché. Benoît Heilbrunn. EMS Management & Société (2023).
Créer son e-commerce : retenir l'essentiel. Alain Bouvier (dir). Nathan (2022).
Sales management that works : how to sell in a world that never stops changing.Frank V. Cespedes. Harvard Business Review Press (2021).
Retail omnicanal : les nouvelles stratégies du commerce international = Omnichannel retail. Alexandre Baquet et Caroline Huang . Esmod Editions (2021).
Check your library catalogue for printed books: Berlin Catalogue or Libraries Catalogue (using the search bar)
Strategies for expanding into Emerging Markets with E-Comerce. Euromonitor, Analysis, 19/10/2023.
Back from the Boom: E-Commerce Opportunities amid Uncertainty Euromonitor, Analysis, 22/06/2023.
Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals:
> Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
> Psychology & Marketing
> Journal of Consumer Research
> Journal of Consumer Psychology
> Journal of Marketing Research
> Journal of Business Research
Podcasts de la chaire Mode et Technologie /ESCP (FR)
The Luxury Item / Marketing experts
Selection of podcasts on Luxury (EN)
Luxe 4.0 : les spécificités du digital dans le luxe / Chaire ESCP-BearingPoint (FR)
La part maudite : ce luxe futile mais indispensable ! Benoît Heilbrunn, 23 mars 2023/ Xerfi Canal
Interviews about the luxury Industry /XERFI CANAL (FR)
Sous la crise sanitaire, l'isolante prospérité du luxe. / XERFI CANAL (FR)
Luxury brand and art collaborations: postmodern consumer culture. Federica Carlotto (2024).
Luxury marketing, sustainability and technology: the future of luxury management. Park Thaichon and Sara Quach (2023).
Contemporary issues in luxury brand management. Sylvie Studente ; Eleonora Cattaneo (2023).
Celebrity fashion marketing : developing a human fashion brand. Fykaa Caan and Angela Lee (2023).
The rise of positive luxury : transformative research agenda for well-being, social impact and sustainable growth. Wided Batat (editor). (2022).
The Oxford Handbook of luxury business. Pierre-Yves Donzé, Véronique Pouillard, and Joanne Roberts (2022).
Sustainable luxury and jewelry. Ivan Coste-Manière and Miguel Ángel Gardetti (2021).
Selling Europe to the World: the rise of the Luxury fashion Industry, 1980-2020. Pierre-Yves Donzé. Bloomsbury Visual Arts (2023).
Luxe et digital : les nouveaux territoires du luxe. Eric Briones (dir.). Dunod (2022).
The luxury empire : accelerations and disruptions. Yves Hanania, Isabelle Musnik ; Philippe Gaillochet. Dunod (2022).
How brands grow. Part 2 : including emerging markets, services, durables, B2B and luxury brands. Byron Sharp (2022).
Resilience of luxury companies in times of change. Gabriella Lojacono ; Laura Ru Yun Pan. De Gruyter (2021).
Check your library catalogue for printed books: Berlin Catalogue or Libraries Catalogue (using the search bar)
Personal Luxury in Hong Kong, China. Country Report. Euromonitor Analysis. 23/10/2024.
Experiential Luxury in Italy. Country Report. Euromonitor Analysis. 14/10/2024.
Luxury goods in India. Country Report. Euromonitor Analysis. 11/10/2024.
Find a report by doing a "Market studies" search in the search bar.

Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals :
> Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal
> International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
> Cross Cultural & Strategic Management
> Management Intercultural
Intercultural management - ESCP Business School
Introduction to Intercultural Studies: the branding of Culture - University of Leeds
Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution - University of California
Intercultural Management lab / ESCP -Groupe Renault Chair
Management Inculturel : des racines et des ailes... / XERFI CANAL (FR)
Management interculturel : comprendre et gérer la diversité, Ulrike Mayrhofer, 2020/ Xerfi Canal
Leadership communication skills for intercultural management. Apoorva Bharadwaj (2024).
Virtual teams across national boarders. Marin A. Marinov (2023).
Cross-cultural knowledge management : cultural influences in China and Brazil. Jacky Hong and Jorge Muniz Jr (2022).
Cross-cultural challenges of managing 'One Belt One road' projects : the experience of the China-Pakistan economic corridor. Arshia Mukhtar ; Ying Zhu ; You-il Lee et al.(2022).
Field guide to Intercultural research. David S.A. Guttormsen ; Jakob Lauring ; Malcolm Chapman (2021).
International business: the challenges of globalization. John J. Wild. Pearson (2024).
Cross-cultural management: a contemporary approach. Jasmin Mahadevan. Sage (2023).
Intercultural management : concepts, practice, critical reflection. Dirk Holtbrügge. Sage (2022).
International business strategy and cross-cultural management : an applied approach. Nicole Franziska Richter, Jesper Strandskov, Sven Hauff et al. Edward Elgar Publishing (2022).
Constructive intercultural management : integrating cultural differences successfully. Christoph Barmeyer. Edward Elgar Publishing (2021).
Le management interculturel : comprendre la diversité culturelle pour mieux manager les équipes. Virginia Drummond. Gereso (2021).
Check your library catalogue for print books : Berlin Catalogue or Libraries Catalogue (using the search bar)
Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals :
> Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal
> International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
> Cross Cultural & Strategic Management
> Management Intercultural
Intercultural management - ESCP Business School
Introduction to Intercultural Studies: the branding of Culture - University of Leeds
Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution - University of California
Intercultural Management lab / ESCP -Groupe Renault Chair
Management Inculturel : des racines et des ailes... / XERFI CANAL (FR)
Management interculturel : comprendre et gérer la diversité, Ulrike Mayrhofer, 2020/ Xerfi Canal
Leadership communication skills for intercultural management. Apoorva Bharadwaj (2024).
Virtual teams across national boarders. Marin A. Marinov (2023).
Cross-cultural knowledge management : cultural influences in China and Brazil. Jacky Hong and Jorge Muniz Jr (2022).
Cross-cultural challenges of managing 'One Belt One road' projects : the experience of the China-Pakistan economic corridor. Arshia Mukhtar ; Ying Zhu ; You-il Lee et al.(2022).
Field guide to Intercultural research. David S.A. Guttormsen ; Jakob Lauring ; Malcolm Chapman (2021).
International business: the challenges of globalization. John J. Wild. Pearson (2024).
Cross-cultural management: a contemporary approach. Jasmin Mahadevan. Sage (2023).
Intercultural management : concepts, practice, critical reflection. Dirk Holtbrügge. Sage (2022).
International business strategy and cross-cultural management : an applied approach. Nicole Franziska Richter, Jesper Strandskov, Sven Hauff et al. Edward Elgar Publishing (2022).
Constructive intercultural management : integrating cultural differences successfully. Christoph Barmeyer. Edward Elgar Publishing (2021).
Le management interculturel : comprendre la diversité culturelle pour mieux manager les équipes. Virginia Drummond. Gereso (2021).
Check your library catalogue for print books : Berlin Catalogue or Libraries Catalogue (using the search bar)

Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals:
> Internet of things
> Journal of information Technology & Economic development
> Computers in Industry
> Internet Research
> International Journal of Production Research
> Journal of Marketing Management
More than 50 MOOCs on IoT
Internet of Things Chair (Go to Media Playlist) / ESCP
ESCP Podcasts of the Internet of Things Chair (Go to Media Playlist). Also accessible on Sound Cloud.
Advanced IoT technologies ans applications in the Industry 4.0 Digital Economy. Alex Khang, Vugar Abdullayev, Vladimir Hahanov and more. (2024).
Blockchain, IoT and AI technologies for Supply Chain Management. Priyanka Chawla, Adarsh Kumar, Anand Nayyar and more. (2023).
IoT benefits and growth opportunities for the Telecom Industry : key technology drivers for companies. Vincent Sabourin and Jordan Tito Jabo (2022).
Internet of things and big data analytics. Sultan Nezihe Turhan. Ebook chapter from Industry 4.0 and Global Business (2022).
Internet of things in business transformation : developing an engineering and business strategy for industry 5.0. Edited by Parul Gandhi, Surbhi Bhatia, Abhishek Kumar et al. (2021).
L'usine du futur : stratégies et déploiement : industrie 4.0, de l'IoT aux jumeaux numériques. Nathalie Julien ; Eric Martin. Dunod (2021).
Check your library catalogue for print books : Berlin catalogue or Babylone Catalogue (using the search bar)
Internet of Things (IoT): market data and analysis. Statista (2024).
Internet of Things (IoT): statistics & facts.Statista (2024).
Livre blanc : Design et IoT, peut-on désigner l'invisible ? Sandrine Macé et Violette Bouveret (2019). ESCP Business School, chaire IoT.
Livre blanc : Ethique, IoT et création de valeur sont-ils compatibles ? Sandrine Macé et Violette Bouveret (2017). ESCP Business School, chaire IoT.
Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals:
> Internet of things
> Journal of information Technology & Economic development
> Computers in Industry
> Internet Research
> International Journal of Production Research
> Journal of Marketing Management
More than 50 MOOCs on IoT
Internet of Things Chair (Go to Media Playlist) / ESCP
ESCP Podcasts of the Internet of Things Chair (Go to Media Playlist). Also accessible on Sound Cloud.
Advanced IoT technologies ans applications in the Industry 4.0 Digital Economy. Alex Khang, Vugar Abdullayev, Vladimir Hahanov and more. (2024).
Blockchain, IoT and AI technologies for Supply Chain Management. Priyanka Chawla, Adarsh Kumar, Anand Nayyar and more. (2023).
IoT benefits and growth opportunities for the Telecom Industry : key technology drivers for companies. Vincent Sabourin and Jordan Tito Jabo (2022).
Internet of things and big data analytics. Sultan Nezihe Turhan. Ebook chapter from Industry 4.0 and Global Business (2022).
Internet of things in business transformation : developing an engineering and business strategy for industry 5.0. Edited by Parul Gandhi, Surbhi Bhatia, Abhishek Kumar et al. (2021).
L'usine du futur : stratégies et déploiement : industrie 4.0, de l'IoT aux jumeaux numériques. Nathalie Julien ; Eric Martin. Dunod (2021).
Check your library catalogue for print books : Berlin catalogue or Babylone Catalogue (using the search bar)
Internet of Things (IoT): market data and analysis. Statista (2024).
Internet of Things (IoT): statistics & facts.Statista (2024).
Livre blanc : Design et IoT, peut-on désigner l'invisible ? Sandrine Macé et Violette Bouveret (2019). ESCP Business School, chaire IoT.
Livre blanc : Ethique, IoT et création de valeur sont-ils compatibles ? Sandrine Macé et Violette Bouveret (2017). ESCP Business School, chaire IoT.
Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals:
> Entrepreneurship, theory and practice
> Research policy
> Journal of business venturing and journal of business venturing insight
> International journal of entrepreneurial venturing
> Technological forecasting and social change
> Journal of business research
> Journal of enterprising culture
The SME Trade Academy boasts over 100 free online courses across its different platforms in a variety of languages
How to finance and grow a start-up? Coursera.
How to start a start up?
Fintech Startups in emerging markets
Startup Entrepreneurship
Jean-Baptiste Say Institute for entrepreneurship: the reference for European entrepreneurship.
Playlist >"Entrepreneurship and innovation" sur la chaîne Youtube de l'ESCP.
The blue factory is a ESCP supporting program for Europeans entrepreneurs.
Check out their entrepreneur directory and their events on instagram live.
Génération Do it yourself
Le podcast qui part à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui se sont construitEs par eux-mêmes.
Génération XX
Un podcast d'entretiens avec des femmes entrepreneuse qui racontent leur parcours et leurs apprentissages.
Anti brouillard de Fabien Roques (Apple Podcast)
Un podcast qui décrypte les grandes tendances du monde des nouvelles technologies (blockchain, Intelligence artificielle, informatique quantique, etc.).
A show about what it's really like to start a business.
This week in startup
The most interesting, outrageous & illuminating stories from the world of entrepreneurship
Master of scale
Masters of Scale is an original podcast hosted by Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn and investor at Greylock. In each episode, Reid shows how companies grow from zero to a gazillion, testing his theories with legendary leaders. Masters of Scale is the first American media program to commit to gender balance for guests.
Every Tuesday and Friday, Recode’s Kara Swisher and NYU Professor Scott Galloway offer sharp, unfiltered insights into the biggest stories in tech, business, and politics. They make bold predictions, pick winners and losers, and bicker and banter like no other. After all, with great power comes great scrutiny.
La culture d'entreprise : avantage stratégique ou obstacle au changement. Frédéric Fréry, 24/09/2024/Xerfi Canal
Le vrai talent du stratège, Frédéric Fréry, 28/02/2024/ Xerfi Canal
Les startups c'est has been, vive les scaleups, Frédéric Fréry, 18/12/2023/ Xerfi Canal
Comprendre les starts-ups et les défis de l'entrepreneuriat, Cathy Alegria, 30/08/2023/ Xerfi Canal
Entrepreneurs: talent, temperament, opportunity and mindset. John Thompson and Bill Bolton. (2024).
Disciplined entrepreneurship startup tactics: 15 tactics to turn your business plan into a business. Paul Cheek and Bill Aulet. (2024).
Stakeholder management and entrepreneurship in Africa. Samuel Adomako, Michael Asiedu Gyensare, and Mujtaba Ahsan. (2024).
Entrepreneurial marketing: beyond professionalism to creativity, leadership and sustainability. Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Hooi Den Huan et al. (2023).
Negociation for entrepreneurship : achieving a successful outcome. Vimal Babu and Robert Hisrich (2023).
Entrepreneurship in Korea : from Chaebols to Start-Ups. Martin Hemmert and Jae Jin Kim. (2023).
Entrepreneurship and culture : the new social paradigme. Alf H. Walle (2022).
The role of innovation and entrepreneurship in economic growth. Michael J. Andrews, Aaron Chatterji, Josh Lerner et al. (2022).
Spinning into control : improvising the sustainable startup. Kornel, Amiel (2018).
Femmes et Start-up : les clés du succès. Martine Esquirou, Guillaume du Poy. Dunod (2023).
The Green Start-up : make your business better for the planet. Juliet Davenport Obe. heligo Books (2022).
Entrepreneurship and sustainable development in Africa. Paschal Anosike. Sage Publications Ltd (2022).
Digital entrepreneurship: management, systems and practice, Vicenzo Morabito. Cambridge University Press (2022).
Innovate, collaborate, grow ! : strategies and best practices for corporate partnering, David Dessers. Die Keure (2022).
Lean startup in large organizations: overcoming resistance to innovation. James A. Euchner. Routledge (2022)
Check your library catalogue for printed books : Berlin Catalogue or Libraries Catalogue (using the search bar)
Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals :
> The Journal of Finance
> Mind tech (revue accessible via Europresse)
> Review of Financial Studies
> Financial Review
> Journal of Financial Intermediation
> Journal of Financial Services Research
Financial Times
FinTech articles
Finclub (FR)
Le 1er partenaire des étudiant·es en finance
Novethic (FR)
Expert de la finance durable et média référence de l’économie responsable, Novethic combine les approches pour offrir aux acteurs financiers, aux entreprises et à leurs collaborateurs les clés d’une transformation durable.
Ils ont également un podcast Les engagés qui interview des personnalités engagées dans l'écologie rencontrées dans la préparation de leur articles.
Les interviews du Finclub
Sélection de podcast sur la fintech française
Fintech Insider by 11:FS
A bi-weekly podcast dedicated to all things fintech, banking, technology and financial services.
FinTechTalk: FinTechTalk is an online FinTech technology talk show with new episodes each week.
Fintech à l’horizon 2021. Alexandre Boulègue, 14 octobre 2019. Xerfi Canal.
Fintech: High-Frequency Trading & Algotrading at ESCP Business School (London Campus)
Fintech: Frontier and Beyond. Zhong Xu and Chuanwei Zou. Routledge (2022).
Global Fintech: financial innovation in the connected world.David L.Schrier and Alex Pentland. The MIT Press (2022).
Fintech founders : inspiring tales from the entrepreneurs that are changing finance. Augustin Rubini (2020).
La révolution FinTech. 2. Régis Boulaya (2018).
The FinTech book : the financial technology handbook for investors, entrepreneurs and visionaries. Susanne Chishti, Janos Barberis (2016).
Revolutionary challenges and opportunities of Fintech. Shweta Anand, Shalini Srivastav, Vikas Garg, and Geetika Garg. (2024).
The adoption of Fintech: using technology for better security, speed and customer experience in Finance. Syed Hasan Jafar, Hemachandran K, Shakeb Akhtar et al. (2024).
Green Finance and Renewable Energy in ASEAN and East Asia. Han Phoumin, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, and Fukunari Kimura (2024).
Bankers like us: dispatches from an industry in transition. Leda Glyptis (2023).
Fintech and Cryptocurrency. Mohd Naved, V. Ajantha Devi, and Aditya Kumar Gupta. John Wiley & Sons (2023).
Fintech and the future of Finance: market and Policy Implications. Erik Feyen, Harish Natarajan, and Matthew Saal. World bank Publications (2023).
Democratizing Finance : the radical promise of Fintech. Laboure, M and Deffrennes, N. (2022) Harvard University Press.
FinTech : The Technology Driving Disruption in the Financial Services Industry . Arjunwadkar, P. Y. (2018) Auerbach Publications.
FinTech Revolution : Universal Inclusion in the New Financial Ecosystem . Blakstad, S., & Allen, R. (2018) Springer.
Emerging strong: Investment opportunities in Southeast Asia. Yang Hu Emil Fazira Nathanael Lim. 26/01/2024. Euromonitor
Fintech's next phase. Kendrick Sands,David Zhang,Ryan Tuttle. 24/05/2023. Euromonitor
Reinventing Work
Use PUBLICATION FINDER to access the following journals :
> Human Resource Management
> MIT Sloane Management Review
> Harvard Business Review
> Academy of Management Review
> Academy of Management Journal
> European Management Review
> Journal of Organizational Change Management
New or renewed skills, deployed in different types of work environments (remote leadership, working from home, management of experts).
Harvard Business Review : The New World of Work
ESCP Podcast : FT Director's Cut: Working from home: the new normal or a temporary solution?
Benjamin Voyer, professor of behavioural science at ESCP, and Frédéric Plais, CEO of, debate whether working from home is truly a win-win for employees and employers. This content was produced in partnership with the commercial department of the Financial Times.
Télétravail: l'épreuve de confiance (FR)
France Culture
Set to lead podcast (hosted by Mary Ann Samedi).
by Diana Wu David Bio, former Financial Times executive, author of Future Proof : Reinventing Work in an Age of Acceleration and adjunct professor at Columbia Business School’s EMBA Global Asia.
Rester "employable" face aux défis de l'intelligence artificielle générative. Cécile Dejoux, 14/03/2024/Xerfi Canal
Chrétiens, juifs, musulmans : la religion tabou en entreprise ? Géraldine Galindo, 14/03/2024/Xerfi Canal
Puissance de la douceur. Ghislain Deslandes, 31/01/2024/Xerfi Canal
Votre modèle économique résistera-t-il aux IA génératives ? Frédéric Fréry, 30/01/2024/Xerfi Canal
Repensez votre relation au travail : le self care. Cécile Dejoux. 19/02/2024/Xerfi Canal
Building an organizational coaching culture: creating effective environments for growth and success in organizations. Behnam Bakhshandeh and William J. Rothwell (2024).
Learn wise leading: reflect your leadership style & role, use motivation & psychology successfully for organizational development, responsability & change management without fear.
Simone Jansen and Simon Jansen (2024).
The new world of work : the Cube, the Cloud and what's next.Tim Houlne and Terri Maxwell (2023).
This is beyond budgeting : a guide to more adaptative and human organizations. Bjarte Bogsnes (2023).
Work here now : think like a human and build a powerhouse workplace. Melissa Swift (2023).
Informal leadership, strategy and organizational change : the power of silent authority. Brenetia J. Adams-Robinson (2022).
Hidden challenges : human dynamics in organizational change and recovery. Elizabeth Florent Treacy, Theo van Iperen, James Hennessyetal (2022).
HBR Guide to Remote Work (2021).
La résistance aux changements : comment accompagner les mutations nécessaires des organisations ? Gourdin N., Lopez P., Gourdin M. VA Editions (2024).
Business model you : la méthode pas à pas pour réinventer le travail à chaque étape de votre vie. Tim Clarke, Bruce Hazen. Pearson (2023).
Worn out: how retailers surveil and exploit workers in the digital age and how workers are fighting back. Madison van Oort. MIT Press (2023).
Méthode de conduite du changement : diagnostic, accompagnement, performance. David Autissier et Jean-Michel Moutot. Dunod (2023).
The neccesary journey: making real progress on equity and inclusion. Ella F. Washington. Harvard Business Review Press (2022).
Architecture et transformation de l'entreprise : agilité, synergie, coopération et complexité : relever les défis des organisations d'aujourd'hui. Bruno Riccoboni. Gereso (2022).
Conduire le changement en entreprise : la méthode du W pour réconcilier les décideurs et le terrain. David Askienazy (2021).
Reinventing organizations : la version résumée et illustrée du livre phénomène qui invite à repenser le management. Frédéric Laloux. Diateino (2017).
Check you library catalog for printed books : Berlin Catalogue or Libraries Catalogue (using the search bar).
ESCP Impact papers: Religion in the workplace: time to turn a negative into a positive? Géraldine Galindo, professeur à ESCP Business School, Sarra Chenigle (2024).
ESCP Impact papers: Quel monde du travail pour demain ? Regards sur quatre tendances clés. Emmanuelle Léon, professeur à ESCP business School, Yaelle Amsallem (2024).
Livre blanc : Retour au bureau : vers un management hybride ? Emmanuelle Léon, professeur à ESCP Business School (2022).
Livre blanc : Travail à distance: Quels sont les défis et enjeux pour les managers ? Emmanuelle Léon, Professeur à ESCP Business School (2021).