To have full access to the libraries' resources, it is important tolog in first. Choose internal access: >>> Use your school credentials to connect to the library portal. You will then be able to: - access the majority of our e-journals, eBooks and databases on and off-campus. - suggest an acquisition. - send a message via the contact form.
The search bar includes:
1. Digital resources
The "Digital Resources" search scenario is an all-in-one search tool. It offers the possibility to search most academic databases the libraries subscribes to from a single point.
Although it is the most inclusive search tool, be aware that not all external databases are included in it.
APA Psychinfo - Business Source Complete - CAIRN - Ebsco academic Collection - Ebsco ebooks (Ebscohost) - Econlit - Emerald Insight - Jstor - OECD - Persée - Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection - Sage -DFG Nationallizenz) Science Direct - Springer Ebooks - A set of major journals (list here ) - See the description of all these databases here.
The following databases are not included in DIGITAL RESOURCES and have to be searched separately: Bank Focus - Dalloz - Euromonitor - Francis Lefebvre (Navis) - Europresse - FitchConnect - LSN Global - Orbis - Pressreader - Proquest ebook - Statista - Vault - Xerfi - See the description of thesedatabases here.
2. Library catalogues Search the local library catalogues for print books and articles or ebooks - provided inBerlin, London, Madrid, Paris and Turin campuses. If you are studying in Berlin, you can access the resources of the Berlin library directly by clicking here.
3. Market Studies "Market Studies" search is dedicated to market studies, reports or surveys offered by Xerfi and Euromonitor or held by a library. Other databases also offer Market studies (Statista, Fitch Connect...), go to DATABASES to find more
TRUNCATION* Remove the ending of the word and add an asterisk (*) to the end of the word. For example, manag* will search for management, manage and manager.
WILDCARDS ? Use wildcards to search for alternate spellings. Wildcards substitute a symbol (?) for a letter. For example, organi?ation will search for organisation and organization.
EXACT PHRASE " " Quotation marks " " allow exact phrases searches For example "Digital marketing"
Click on Login at the top right of the screen. Enter your student number and password.
STUDENTS IN LONDON - MADRID - PARIS: Check your current loans and due dates.